A mid-sized accounting firm has relied on Rescue Desk for 10 years to “fill in the gaps” on their team as their company grows.
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Client Contact/Interviewee:
Mike Kollath, Founder and Managing Partner
Company Overview/Services Provided:
Kollath CPA has been providing accounting and tax services to clients throughout Wisconsin since 2007. The company started with just two people, and has grown to more than 30 employees. They have also successfully expanded their service offerings over the years to include payroll services, HR consulting, VOIP technology, and soon, full-service PEO.
Rescue Desk Service Plan:
Monthly Retainer; Per Project
The Challenge/What Problem Were You Trying to Solve:
When I started our firm in 2007, I knew I would need behind-the-scenes support so I could focus on growing the business and servicing our clients. I enlisted the help of Rescue Desk early on, and we’ve been partnering with them ever since! When we’re going through a busy business cycle, or a large marketing push, or experiencing a growth spurt, they’re the first ones I call to provide the extra administrative and marketing support our team needs.
What Other Solutions Did You Consider?
I considered hiring employees to get the help we needed. I also considered interns, temps, and outsourcing some of our “specialty” projects to independent freelancers. But, given our growth strategy, I was looking for a much more flexible option that could expand and contract with us over the long-term, and fill in the gaps on our team when we needed it. I was also looking for a provider that would come with a wider skillset and expertise to cover a lot of “ground” more efficiently for the projects we needed help with.
Why Did You Choose Rescue Desk?
Rescue Desk was the all-in-one solution we were looking for. They aren’t kidding when they say they’re an entire marketing and administrative support staff, standing at the ready. They keep up with best practices in marketing, small business management, and business process development. Over the years, I’ve never regretted investing in the services of Rescue Desk.
What Was the Onboarding Process Like?
Because our needs spanned both marketing and administrative support, their onboarding process for a monthly retainer was in-depth and fairly intense – which helped us set things up properly from the beginning. It wasn’t unlike bringing on a new team member – there was a lot of communication, there were a lot of questions and answers (from both sides), and a lot of “foundational” work to make sure processes, procedures, goals and deadlines were put in place.
Provide Some Examples of Tasks/Processes/Projects that Rescue Desk has Managed For Your Company:
Rescue Desk has helped us with a ton of projects over the years! Here are a few just from our recent work together:
- Played the role of project manager to oversee the development of some of our Websites
- Coordinated the design and development of several of our marketing pieces
- Managed/maintained our social media presence
- Helped us prep for trade shows and events
- Reviewed some of our internal documentation and provided insight and suggestions for improvement
What Has Been the Result of Partnering with Rescue Desk?
Whether we set up a monthly retainer to get us through a busy part of the year, or call them when we have a big project that could use their expertise, their support has allowed myself and my executive team to focus on the big-picture growth strategies while they handled the details.
In addition, because they’re a local B2B firm like us, they’ve gone above and beyond to provide resources from their own network to make sure we are connected with the people and resources we need locally.
Finally, because of the continuity in their personnel and the longevity of our vendor-client relationship, they can seamlessly jump in pretty much anytime, which has saved us time, effort and investment in training.
Final Thoughts/Comments:
We’ve relied on Rescue Desk for more than 10 years, and they have yet to disappoint. I would recommend them to any small business that’s growing and understands the importance of delegating in order to scale. They have truly become a partner in our success, and I expect our relationship with Rescue Desk will continue for quite some time!