The principal of this data analysis firm needed more time. He turned to Rescue Desk to manage his (very busy!) calendar.
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Client Contact/Interviewee:
Kevin Little, Ph.D.,
Principal of Informing Ecological Design
Company Overview/Services Provided:
Informing Ecological Design specializes in the use of data. We apply analytical tools and a collaborative work method to help clients change data into information as they study, understand, and improve performance of products, processes, and plans.
Rescue Desk Service Plan:
Monthly retainer
The Challenge/What Problem Were You Trying to Solve:
For the past 20 years, I have served as an Improvement Advisor with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). IHI is one of our largest clients (they are a national and international organization), and therefore a lot of in-person and virtual meetings are required. I was overwhelmed with scheduling requests and keeping up with my calendar and needed some support.
What Other Solutions Did You Consider?
I did look into calendar scheduling apps, and while I needed the efficiency of an app, I also needed the professionalism of an actual person who could represent me and my company and independently mange requests and changes. We work with a lot of C-level executives and academic leaders – and their Executive Assistants – so I needed a human touch to help maintain and build relationships.
Why Did You Choose Rescue Desk?
I was looking for a local company that could take care of calendar management and, mostly importantly, do so in a way that was personal, professional and seamless.
What Was the Onboarding Process Like?
It was very efficient, and any necessary paperwork or questions were proactively asked, or answered, by Rescue Desk. Furthermore, their support started immediately … I was quickly able to see calendar efficiencies in place and benefit from a much more streamlined schedule.
Provide Some Examples of Tasks/Processes/Projects that Rescue Desk Has Managed for You:
Right out of the gate, Rescue Desk had procedures, checklists, and protocols that made managing my calendar so much more effective. And while these tools might seem obvious, I was much more focused on our consulting work and data analysis. This is where Rescue Desk took over and made my life so much easier!
Additionally, I use a blog to summarize my current projects and ideas as one way to communicate with current and prospective clients. The Rescue Desk team takes my drafts and uploads them into the blog platform so I can make final edits. They also post the completed blogs to my LinkedIn account. I don’t have to fiddle with the platform details and can concentrate on the blog content.
How Has Your Investment in Rescue Desk Services Benefited Your Company?
Being able to look at my calendar days, weeks, months (and even years!) out, and knowing that my calls, meetings, and prep timeblocks are all in place with the correct instructions and accurate information has been a HUGE relief. I am busy and am often pulled in several directions, so when I go to my calendar, I need to be able to action the right request. Rescue Desk’s support has allowed me to prioritize and use my time much more effectively.
How Likely Are You to Recommend Rescue Desk to a Friend or Colleague?
I have and will continue to recommend Rescue Desk!
Final Thoughts/Comments:
Working with Rescue Desk has been invaluable. What started out as calendar management became time management and time savings. Another part of their support includes a weekly check-in call. Having this dedicated weekly time slot to think out loud about upcoming commitments, deadlines, and calendar needs has been instrumental in keeping our workflow running smoothly.